Monday, March 28, 2011

Hubby's BIG Catch!

It was a big day for my hubby that's for sure!  We went to the new park we found on Sunday afternoon so my hubby could try to catch some fish and me, of course, time for art class!  Well, you know the first time we came here last week he wanted to try his hand at fishing but didn't even get a bite but today was another story.  He caught a 3-4lb BASS and he was in heaven!!!!!  I was drawing at the time he said he got something, so I jumped up with my camera ready!  So here is our big event.

He started out with a worm and a bobber.

He was thinking I will just sit here and enjoy the day and let the fish come to my little bobber, so he sat and waited.  But after that didn't do anything he decided to try his hand at the bass. So glad he did!

I was doing my art thing but still paying attention to him, you know just in case and then he said "I've got something"!  I was drawing at the time and I jumped up with my camera ready!

Here he is as he is bringing him in hoping all the while that he won't lose him!  I was thinking the exact same thing since I know how much he loves to fish.   Although, I was also said I wish we had a net but he said you can't use a net when you catch a big one.  I said okay then. :)

Getting ready to grab him.

 YES mission accomplished!!!!  He is so beautiful and shinning in the sun.

 He was so proud of his catch and so were the trail walkers.

 He just had to laugh because he still couldn't believe it and he said "my legs are still shaking even after he let the big one go.

Even with my new camera, that I am still not sure of, I am glad I got some great shots for him!!!  I have changed our desktop just so he can see it every time he goes on the computer.

 Here is Donna and Francis who came to see the BIG one and they are the ones who got to take him home to eat.  They just couldn't let my hubby put him back in the lake so he gave it to them. Don't they just look so proud?  I know he really wanted to put it back but he couldn't say no.  They were really nice and glad they let me take a picture of them with the fish.

Well, I thought you might like to know what I was working on while we were at the lake.  I decided to bring my pastels and give them a try.  I have two brands Portfolio and Junior Artist.

 I had drawn this lady a while ago not sure how I wanted to paint her so today I decide to use the pastels as my mediumHere I am smearing the colors in her hair.  I haded brown, yellow gold, and a olive green

 Here is what it looks like before I smear it, kinda like color crayons.

 This is what it looked like when I finishedI can say that I am not really sure of pastels and I don't think I would use them a lot.  Here I used them over acrylic paint so maybe that makes a difference.  I will have to use them on the proper paper and then tell you what I think.

 This is the drawing I was working on when my hubby said he got something.  I think she turned out ok and can't wait to paint her.  This is in a little art journal book and I kinda wish I had brought my journal designed just for drawing women but I didn't think I was going to draw anything today but the pastel lady got done to quick.  This was a book I brought on painting skin tones that I used to draw the picture from.  Well, I hoped you enjoyed the big event you know we really did!



Anonymous said...

Great catch I would have taken him home for dinner for sure!
What a wonderful day for you two!

Unknown said...

What a blast... Looks like you guys have found a new weekend get away spot for both of you to enjoy.