Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

It was my birthday on Saturday but because my hubby caught the BIG one I decided to post his big day first.  So today is all about me just so come along and see how I celebrated it.

Another year older?!  Yeah, I guess it gets the best of us but I didn't let it get the best of me I had fun so off to the store to get the ballon, candles and cake(fresco option done on picture)

When I was looking for candles I was so excited to come across these beauties!!!  Aren't they just plain fun!  My hubby (God love him) made the comment when I said "I wanted candles on my cake" and I found a box that were all pink he said "yea but how many are in the box I don't think there is enough"!!!   Well, was that the right answer ladies?!!!!   I had to tell him that I was only going to put one on and he said oh.  Do you think he felt bad, I hope so! lol

I tell you don't forget the cake no matter how old you are!!  My favorite cake to have for my birthday?  Well, I really have two favorites cheese cake and carrot cake.  This year as you can see I chose carrot cake! YUM YUM

Yes at this age you kinda feel guilty eating the cake and really don't I look silly in a birthday hat!

Then there is the wish to make, what will it be? 

 Did I mention that I got married to my hubby on my 19th birthday!?  Yeah, he said "what better gift could you get on your birthday then me"?!  I thought it was the most romantic thing back then, now I am not sure he may have had ulterior motives?! :) I would have to say I wish we did get married on a different day kinda hard to celebrate to wonderful days together and make them both special.

We have been married for 29yrs and the cake I made was a red velvet with cream cheese frosting, in my favorite heart shaped pan, with almond extract.  Plus, did you notice the figurine?  That was are cake top when we got married and this is the first time it has been on a cake since then!  My hubby was being funny and put it on the cake before I frosted it (I brought it out for our anniversary) and took a picture and when I saw it I thought yeah great idea! I know the picture isn't clear I edited it and used the fresco option to make it look different. Cool huh?

Plus, we had a wonderful dinner at home and kept it simple.  We had fish, baked potatoes, broccoli, grilled shrimp, and hush puppies. YUM   The reason for the hush puppies is because when we went to his prom he took me to Red Lobster and they served hush puppies and I loved them! So kinda fun for our anniversary

So as you can see for this special day I found the funnest candles to use on my cake and only put one on.   I wore a silly birthday hat for the pictures,  and yes I enjoyed the birthday cake and just made it the best day ever!  Really, who cares how old you are you are celebrating your birthday that God gave you and I was enjoying it!!  Plus, I had lots of fun with my hubby taking pictures with my new camera until I got just the right one!   So I hope you enjoyed my birthday in pictures you know I did.

P.S. I want to thank all my family and friends who:  mailed presents and cards, called on the phone, sent text messages, and the many bday wishes on facebook! You all made it the best day ever THANK YOU!

1 comment:

cindy said...

Barb I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday. And your anniversary. 29 years of wedded bliss. Chris is so lucky to be married to such a special lady.