Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sand Angels, Cotton, and Antiques, Oh My

On Saturday we made a day of it by starting out going to the beach but it was so cold we didn't stay long. So we decided to hit some antique shops in Statesboro, and  along the way we got a bonus when we saw a cotton bale in a field! Now that was cool, here is our day in pics.

We tried to get the snow falling in the background but you can't see it  but cute anyway.
If you look close you can see that it was snowing!

This was cool to see as we approached the beach two ships passing each other and because it was very high tide they looked so close.

Doesn't the sand behind me look like snow?  So cool.  If you look close at my jacket and pants you can see the snow falling.
Because it was very high tide there really wasn't much beach and because it was cold there was no one to watch this scene. I just had to do it since all they talk about on the news is all the snow people are getting in the north and since it was snowing here too I thought it would be fitting to make an angel.   Doesn't look the same as snow but o well  it was fun. Also, I thought it would be neat to be barefoot in the pic just because you wouldn't do this in the north.

This is my hubby holding my purse as he is taking pics of me doing the angel and every time I see this it reminds me of the time with Tom and Tania, and it makes me laugh. At the time I don't even think about it, I just don't want to put my purse on the sand,  but I happened to take notice and had to get a pic.  Although you will never notice him carrying it on his shoulder a guy has standards you know.  

Statesboro is about 45min. from Savannah and this was our first stop to visit, this antique shop looks small but very big on the inside.  This is a good one to visit clean and organized and lots of stuff but does not measure up to the ones by Tania.

This was the second one called Vinny's and was not worth it.  It was like a trash can on the inside not very clean more like a dirty garage sale will not visit again.

As we are driving to the antique shops we spot this on the way and came back to take a look.  It was so cool to see a cotton bale, Chris sees them all the time during the harvest season when he is working so to have this one be still around very rare this time of year.  Chris talked to a guy while he was working on his car and the guy said that each one of the bales cost around $10,000 when sold!  Wow

When you get up close the bale is very tight and compact you could hardly push your fingers in it. I have seen the cotton fields as they are maturing but never a bale so this was so exciting for me to see. Don't you just love the texture of it?  The funny thing is that the cotton left on the ground looks and feels just like the cotton balls you buy in a bag in the store, so cool.  The day started out cloudy and cold but it ended up being sunny and warm what a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun day! It's funny how sand can look like snow huh?!
Thanks for sharing your fun pictures.