Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heart Box and Photo Book

When my sister was visiting we went through my craft projects that I have been working on and my sister just loved my heart box with the photo album inside so I thought I would do a post on it. 

 I first started this project with my friend Tania last year when I went over to her house to celebrate her birthday and do a valentine project which was to decorate a heart box. I had decided that my heart box would contain a heart shaped photo album of my hubby and me for all the years we have been together.

This would be my first experience with scrapbooking but not in the traditional way.  The heart shaped pages was a challenged at first but got easier as I went along, so here is the photo album so far. 

I decided to use pink and brown as the color scheme for this box because they are my favorite and, of course, floral because I am a floral nut.  I am still not finished with the lid, I originally wanted to put a silk rose with ribbon on the side of our picture but decided later not to and to add some ribbon on the edge of the lid.   I also, decided I wanted to add the same stickers of the roses as the ones I put on the side of the box on the lid but couldn't find anymore at the store I bought them at, so I am waiting for the right ones to add later. 
I remember the day we took this picture of us together and was glad my hubby was willing to play along and is one of my favorites so it had to be put on the lid.
As you can see there is still plenty of room to add pages which I am glad since I have a lot to add.  The box came from Hobby Lobby (the large one) and the idea for the box and book came from a Keepsake magazine I own.
I am a vintage lover so of course I had to find a valentine picture to put on the front,  this came from a magazine I had.   I really loved how the cover turned out, so pretty.  The circle and the true love words are cut out of the board book so that it has a raised look and I decided to white out some of the paper in the middle and add swirls and dots to finish.
The photo album is our life together so here is the beginning of our story.  I met him in 8th grade, he was my gym aid and he was in 9th grade that means I was 13 and he was 14 year old.  I was so glad to have the right school year photos on what we looked like when we met, I thought he was soooo cute.
I am doing the album in date order as much as I can from when we met to current so the pages will have the years on them when I finish each page.  First I wanted to get the pictures on the pages and I will add the details later so here are the pages so far.
Here are the pages before the pictures go on.  I have used an old children's board book for the pages and glued the scrapbooking paper to that.  How I do that?  I cut the pages to the size and shape I want, sand front and back of each page then use white spray paint primer to spray on both sides, paint the edges brown because I don't want to mess with being exact and also so that I can add dots or swirls or whatever I decide to decorate the edges with, then add scrapbooking paper and photos.  Also, I used a belt hole maker to make the holes to bind it together but I am sure there is a craft hole maker out there this is just what I had to get thru the board book without wrecking it. 
Since I have kept most of the birthday, valentine, & anniversary cards from my hubby I am adding the sayings from them to this book and adding his name at the bottom.  My husband is not a vocal person so I just love reading the lovely cards he picks out since this is what's in his heart so I thought it would be great to add to the photo book.  I am now starting to keep the cards I give him so that it will be little love letters from both of us, how neat is that (and that was my idea). Hope you enjoyed the album and may be it inspired you to make one of your own. 
That thing, that moment when you kiss someone, and everything around you becomes hazy... and the only thing in focus is you and this person... and you realize that this person is the only person that you are supposed to kiss for the rest of your life.  And for one moment you get this amazing gift, and you wanna laugh, and you wanna cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that it'll go away at the same time.

 author:  Drew Barrymoore 'Never Been Kissed' (movie)

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