Saturday, July 2, 2011

Okay Enough!!!!!!

As you know I have been going through my things to try to simplify my life and not doing a good job.  I started out great but then it felt like I had just moved in this house and I got stuck in a funk, hence the reason for no new blog post lately.  How  do you separate yourself from the things that enslave you?

The joy it brings or the memory it holds but all the while I hold on to them I never seem to find a place for it.
I never thought about all the emotions you go through as you go through each item.  The feeling of letting go of something, I feel like I am going to lose a friend.  Yikes I need help!!!!! :)
I mean really it's only stuff!!  Each item holds something I cherish about it, and knowing if I get rid of it then I will find that perfect spot for it, or have an outing that I know what perfect bag would go with my outfit, and get frustrated that I got rid of it! 
Does anyone feel the same? I guess you could say I am in love with my stuff!!!!  How did this happen and why do I feel this way, so depressed!!  Well, enough already I am taking a break!!!!!  I will stuff the things back into the closets or under the bed and deal with it another day.

This is a art journal page I did when we were getting ready to move and the packing of all the stuff I thought I loved!!!  I love the magazine shot of the fancy dressed chic sitting on the overstuffed luggage it just screams me.  It still speaks to me now and the other pictures are only some items that I was working on in our bedroom today.  Yes, I have bathroom items in our bedroom when we don't have a master bath, oh the stress of it all.  Well, I am off to do something fun to get me out of this funk and out of the house.

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