Monday, April 18, 2011

Art Journal Challenge: Week 13

Week 13: A Wonderful World April 2nd
This weeks challenge was based on the Song  "It's A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. It's on what makes your world beautiful. As you can see from this page that I choose to focus on COLOR.  I notice everyday all the colors around me and how God places them there for our enjoyment.  I love color and I would think the world would be pretty bland without it.

On this page I placed some of the lyrics from the song around all the edges and you can get just a glimpse of them, I didn't want to make it the main focus.  I love using my brayer lately so I used three colors to created the background, pink, purple, and white.  Another thing I like to use in my pages is magazine images and I think these two says it all don't you?  I love all the crayons in the glass jar with the many colors and I just happened to have a picture of the world so how perfect.

I used my ink well pen with my homemade ink to do the main writing on the top and on the bottom I used a wonderful pen I bought at Books A Million with 10 different colors to choose from.  I chose a purple and then added a few stenciled flowers on the page with two square bling gems. All-n-all it is a very simple page but I think it speaks volumes.  Thanks for joining me in art class today I so enjoyed our visit.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Hi Barb! I don't know how you meandered over to my blog but I'm glad you did! I'm glad Julie's song "Paint Your Picture" ministered to you. I love her! Your art journal is AMAZING! I just started painting this last year, just to see if I could. I love it, though I'm just beginning.