Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Savannah Fireworks

This was our first year to find a place to see the fireworks in Savannah and we were glad that it was easy.  We decided to try to see them downtown Savannah on river street next to the river.   Back in Minnesota we went just about every year since it was so close to us and for the past three years we haven't been to one since we moved.  I wasn't feeling well (to much time in the sun I felt like I had the flu, no fun) but that didn't stop me I so wanted to go and was glad when we did because it made me feel like I was back home.  We parked on President street and walked in and it only took about 15 minutes a little longer if you were behind a group walking slow but sooooo easy, we will do this every year.  People were everywhere but we decided to go next to the river and I would say it was perfect like you were sitting on the 50 yard line at a football game it was so perfect so here are the pictures I took of this event.

River Street before the shops start.

River Street

This was the spot we picked next to the river.

This was aross from us and there were people line up there too.

Here is a pic of them but of course my zoom isn't good enough.

The guy driving the boat was so funny because he was dancing while driving, just wiggling his booty.

Here we are as we wait.

This is where we thought the fireworks would be coming from but they didn't.  We didn't even need to turn our heads just look straight up. SWEET.  My new camera has a function to capture fireworks so I was excited to try this out.  I wasn't happy on how slow it was so I really couldn't take them quick to capture them because I was always waiting.  I was pleased with how the ones I did get turned out thou.  The fireworks begin....



I like that one......




aaaaaahhhhhhh.......Then comes the grand finale...


wooooowwwww sooooo cooool.......

loooooove iiiiitttttt!  It ends and we all clap with an applause!!!!!  Then it only takes us 25 minutes to get home and walk in our door. Perfect!!!

So happy that we have a spot to see the fireworks every year and thanks for enjoying it with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear you are feeling better.
Love the pictures you took of the fireworks!
Wish we could have spent the 4th together.