Friday, November 18, 2011

This Blog Has Closed & I Relocated!!

I am not saying goodbye I have just decided to merge my two blogs into one so I don't need to maintain them both.  I have enjoyed this blog and will post a lot like this one with the exception of posts that will reach out to others with encouragement for everyday life.

I originally started a blog labeled: becoming barbara lynn but I felt that that title was directed to just me and not the beautiful women I want it to reach.  I want you to feel that you are a part of my new blog.....learning along with me on how to live a life on purpose.   So I started another blog with you all in mind.

Visit me (here) and enjoy my everyday life, my faith, my art, my love of vintage, & encouragement for the soul.  I am sooo excited for this blog!!!

My new Blog is titled:  Life Becoming
                                      (3 a's & 3 n's)

Thanks so much for stopping by and being with me on this journey and blog (you will be able to link to this blog on my new one in the tabs section labeled "old blog") and I hope to see you on my new journey with my new blog!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Festival, Dragonflies, & Sand Dollars

It was a fun filled weekend with my hubby and the weather was just perfect.  We started out going to a festival in Richmond Hill, GA.  Since we used to do craft shows for nearly 8 years we are always looking for the next big one.  Down here in GA the fairs are not as big as back home in MN but we go just to see what they may have and just to get out and visit the different cities that surround us.

We had to park and walk since there wasn't on site parking but it was a wonderful morning and we didn't care.

This was the entrance to the fair, it was so pretty.

We were excited just like every time we go to a fair because you just never know what you will come across.

This was the food court, it was a nice size, and to find out in our local paper on Sunday that they had 30,000 people come through.  We were to early and most of the food vendors weren't ready.  My husband did a job for a guy in this town and told us to get there early but I guess we were to early.  If anyone knows what cheese curds are you know that is the top think we look for at any fair.  The MN State Fair has the best cheese curds and you can never have enough and definitely can't go without having some even if it means standing in line in a very HOT building.  The things we do right?

They had a wonderful little Midway with all the rides and games.

And of course, Mickey Josephson who was in the art/craft booths section.  You can read about him in my main blog post. They didn't have many craft booths mainly advertisement but fun anyway.  Even if it was a bust just meeting him and the lesson it gave me was all worth it. 

When we decided to leave we took the shuttle back and it was in a school bus.  We both hadn't been in a school bus in such a long time so this was fun and plus, it gave a tour of the city before we got back to our car. What more could we ask.

After we left the fair my hubby said "why don't we go to the beach, have lunch, and then go for  a walk".  I said "that was a wonderful idea" and off we went.  We ate at Fanny's and had a burger then headed to the beach.  While we were walking, I noticed a dragonfly  floating in the water and told my hubby to save him and so he did.  What a guy right?  So he got him on his flip flop and on to safety we go.

He was so pretty and my hubby just kept talking to him saying "its going to be okay guy".  Gotta love him he has such a kind heart too.  That dragonfly just held on as we walked all the way to the bank to safety.

We picked this spot out of the way of people so he could recover.  Just look at the colors so beautiful.

As we continued to walk I spotted a live sand dollar and my hubby couldn't believe it.  It was completely buried and I was surprised I spotted it too.  I am so glad I bring my camera with me where ever I go.

Then as we continued on my hubby then spotted a sandollar in the water and I said "oh, honey you found one too".  But of course he had to make a funny face when I took the picture and that is so him.  Then we headed home.

We went back to the beach on Sunday morning and after our long walk we decided to get something to drink but got a very very bad glazed honey bun too.  It must have been at least 5 pounds! But sooooo good.

So this is us and I know it's not pretty but it was a fun day and weekend so full of fun and adventure.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm Back and Flying Free!!

I went on an art-n-soul journey and it has forever changed my life!  I originally wanted to take the Soul Restoration class for all the beautiful art projects that Melody showed but what I received was far more.  It has set my life in a new direction and I am so excited!

I will do another post on all the projects so you can see what I did.  I won't get to detailed with them because it is a personal journey but one I recommend.  Check out my last post for the details of the class.

I also, am in the process of getting my Etsy shop open!!!  I opened it over a year ago and am now finally going to put things in.  yeah
The item I am starting with are journals.  This was a big deal in the class I took and has moved me to make them first.  I will be doing other items too so please stay tuned!!   

I have a motto for myself and it is "Be Brave, Be Bold".  I am a shy person but as you can see from the picture above I am coming out. yea baby  I am tired of living in fear of what people would say by the way I look or dress so I put on a fun hat (which I never would do before but think is fun), one of my favorite jackets (I added the collar awhile ago, floral of course), and wore some fun jewelry which is so me and went shopping!!! I am moving past the fear and starting to live the life that was meant for me, my true self.  I love color and I love funky stuff so this was my first step on becoming me.  I have to tell you I felt uncomfortable and it was hard to look at people but I did it and that is what counts.  I am on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm doin a little dance..cha cha..swing...dip... :)

Also, I am going to do some changes on this site so stay tuned for that too.  I am hoping it will be a site that will have lots of encouragement, uplifting posts, and just a fun place to be.  So be watching for that too. Blogger does tell me that I have met my quota for adding gadgets to this blog so I am not able to change my header and if I do remove it I won't be able to put another one up.  I am not sure if I am ready to have just a word title yet because the one that is up is still apart of the person I am. So for now it stays but I did add a subtitle of the description of the blog I am trying to do now.

I love being back and I have so missed you all!! So thanks for stopping by and do something brave for just you today, it will make a difference and it will change your life even if it is something little.
barbara lynn

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Temporarily Closed

I have signed up to do an online art course with Brave Girls Club call "Soul Restoration 1" and I have been waiting for a month!!!! I am sooooo excited to be doing this course because it not only is art projects but soul restoration too.  So much healing and creating to be done for the next 8 weeks!!!  After going over the first weeks info yesterday, I have decided not to blog for the duration of this class because it is so personal.  I have decided to take out the things that take up my time and would pull me away from this class.  I want to give it my all and this will take much needed me time.  So before I go, I thought I would show you some pictures of my studio that I was working so hard on to clean up before this class began.  I am not completed but clean enough to feel at peace while I am working on this class's projects.

A side note regarding the title picture above "Art n Soul Journey":  I just love the way Melody Ross uses different things to deliver messages in her videos and blog posts and I have adopted this idea and hope its okay?.  Well, if I don't do anymore at least this one is fitting for the class I am taking.    I love words and art so this was just what I was looking for!!!!  She is sooooo like me and I love all her creative pieces she has done so colorful and expressive which is another reason for taking this class not to mention the whole soul restoration thing!!!

Also, while I was at the dollar store I was looking for a book with the right cover size to use for a class project and came across a book with kids alphabet letters on it too and I thought... I guess I am behind on the idea and was nothing new... but I think it  is cool and colorful. 

I have called mine "message boards" because I will not be putting any permanent messages on them so that I can reuse them thus the title.  The one at the top of the post is my first one and inspired by Melody.  You will have to read thru the Brave Girl blog so you can see all the ones she has used.   So creative!!!

Well, on to my studio.........

I got this chalkboard from my grandpa and it really means a lot to me. When we were little we would go to the farm in Warroad, MN for 2wks every year and I would love playing on this chalkboard in the coat room so I was thrilled when he said I could have it!!!!  I used it in our kitchen back in Minnesota forever and was sad when this place was so small that I couldn't put it up in the kitchen.  Then one day I got an idea "why not put it in my studio so that I could put messages on it"!!!!   It turned out to be a perfect fit on the door that  I leave open.  When I am sitting at the table all I have to do is look up and I see it, this made me so happy.  I love painting ladies as you all know so I had to put one on there, didn't she turn out cool?  I used the lady from a Belk's ad I kept from a year or so ago and she turn out just how I wanted it to look.  At first I wasn't happy with it because it just didn't have the detail then I came up with the idea of using a charcoal pencil and that was just what it needed and not permanent. 

My theme in this room is girly and the colors are pink and white so I had to paint the chalkboard white.  I like seeing all the colors of the chalk just sitting on the little shelf, so colorful.  Plus, I love the message I have on it now on Letting Go.  It says:  When one door of happiness closes, another one opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we that we do not see the one which has opened to us. Author- Helen Keller

I am a collector of vintage Christmas balls and have them out all year long in these glass jars.  I like seeing all the pretty colors and glitter and I am a collector of Susan Palsy Girls by Ganz.  I don't know what it is with women things all I can think is that I really love to minister to them some how.  These sit on a cabinet that hold magazines on the same side as the sewing machine.

I have stacked decorative floral tins on the left and my Shabby Chic/Decor books on the pedal.

I have a whole wall of all white frames and put some of my art work that I have done and some I didn't, it feels like a gallery.  Got the idea from the 700 restaurant art displays there.

These hands I had just stuffed away somewhere and while cleaning I came across them and thought how perfect for the "truth cards" I will be making in this class.  I did a sample so you could see what it would look like with one in.  Of course, I had to add some floral and it is sitting on the box that I will put all my cards in. Loved this Idea.  It sits on the table in front of me while I am working.

This is just a shot of some of the things sitting on my table, pen holder, salt n pepper shakers with glitter in them, and a lotion bottle that holds my ink well pen, and a glass bowl for misc items.

This shelf is on my left and is filled with things I use a lot and need to grab easily.  I was glad to find a container from the Dollar Tree that fit perfect.  So organized right?

This is on the bookcase behind me with items I have made and/or painted.

This is the other bookcase with my art books and some art I did on the top shelf.  I so enjoy all the neatness it really makes things so much more peaceful. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little tour and when I say little the room is the size of a closet.  I will miss all my friends but I hope you will understand my taking a little break, so take care to all of you and see you in 8 weeks!!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Water And Laughter

I just have to show you some pictures that I took when my hubby and me were at the beach one morning.

It was early and cool and we decided to go for a dip and I brought my camera with me in the water.  This is our spot we chose with our pretty umbrella.

My hubby doesn't like to pose for me that often, since he is not a picture taken kind of guy, but sometimes it can be a real treat to see what was captured.

So this is my story.  For some reason I didn't load them on the computer the same day and when I did load them it had a few days on it and I didn't look at them all.  But the other day I remembered the day and wanted to see how they turned out.   I just had to laugh and new I should share!! 

We get our umbrella and chairs all set up and my hubby decides to go in for a dip and I follow.

I am always trying to get us both into the pictures just so I can say "yes I was there" and in some of the pictures, so today this is what I was trying to do.  Here I was trying to get him going into the water but it didn't work since he was right behind me but I didn't give up on that perfect shot.

There he is waaaayy out there.

I am alittle unsure about bringing my camera out here since it is fairly new and don't want to get it wrecked but it turn out to be okay.  Now just keep your eyes on my hubby as I try to get that perfect shot.

on the left....
on the right...
on the left with water up to his nose....
and yes the fully body pose, what a hunk right?!!!

Isn't that just funny?!!! Sometimes he just makes me laugh and that is one thing I love about him.  Then when I decided to turn around this is what I saw....

I just cracked up at this shot.  The way all his toes are spread apart while he floats, so funny.

Since the sun was in the wrong position I had him turn around so that the sun was on my back and show that to me again and I got this shot.  For a guy who doesn't like to take pictures I just realized he is okay with the fun ones and has no problem posing for me then.

This is the man I fell in love with and who can make me laugh even when I am by myself just looking at pictures!!  I love you babe!!!!   I hope you enjoyed our morning swim and to be honest with you I still have a hard time swimming in the ocean knowing there are sharks and jellies out there.


I'm the girl who laughs out loud in the middle of  silence about something that happened the day before.
author: unknown

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cherished Memory

Its a little girl who was excited to know that it was that time of the year.  The time for a two week adventure full of love, laughter, and the unknown.  The drive is long but the excitement builds with every mile getting closer.  The night sky is full of stars and the fresh air smell that is always remembered with this trip.  We pass a landmark, which is a large fish, and she knows its not long before she is there.  The place that holds so many wonderful memories and places she can't wait to investigate again.

She spots the little gas station on her right and her excitement builds because she knows there is only 4 miles left to get to the turn that leads to the house.  We stop to make the turn and she sees the house in the distance.  We pass a house on the left where a girl lives with the exact birthday as hers.  Then a right hand turn past the large mail box and an old rusty truck sitting in the field just behind it.  We pull up to the driveway the door opens and we are finally here!!!  The first thing she notices is the smell of the garage which is wonderful because it reminds her of this wonderful place.

We bring our things in and I look around just to take it all in.  Everything is exactly as it was since the last time she was here and that makes her happy, something that doesn't change.  She sleeps upstairs with her siblings but there is one thing that she absolutely loves to look at and has to check it all out every time.

She runs her fingers across the detail of the drawers and opens them up...

such beauty.....

all the fancy ironwork......

and of course the pedal that she has to try every time....

its an old Singer sewing machine that is her grandma's.  This machine holds memories of her and the farm which she lives on, and yes the story is about me and our two week vacations to Warroad, MN we took every year until I was 16yrs old. 

And that is what went through my head as I spotted this machine at the thrift store!! I walked so fast to it but it didn't have a price on it so I asked how much was it.  I guess they had just put it on the floor so it hadn't been priced yet.  I ask for a price and hoped it wasn't more than $20.00 since that is all I had to spend. 

I looked it over and there wasn't a sewing machine in it and there was a hole cut into the top to hold a machine without lifting the cover but luckly there was a thin piece of wood painted to match to cover the hole.  As I waited, I hoped and then the man came back and said it was $20.00!!!  I said I WILL TAKE IT!!!  I was sooooooooo excited!!  I didn't care that the machine wasn't in there or that someone cut a hole in the top because every time I look at it it reminds me of my grandma.  How wonderful!!!

It fit perfect in the trunk and no there wasn't anyone to help me get this heavy thing into the house but did that stop me no!!  I did it and it was tricky and heavy but I was on a mission and knew just where I was going to put it.

In my studio in front of a window facing the street.  This is the back of it and it fit perfectly.

The funny thing about this is that it is painted ivory so shabby chic and that was another thing I loved about it, so me.  I would have never been able to paint such an antique so how cool that someone else did it for me.  You just wonder what was going through their mind as they painted it and making their own style not knowing that I would cherish it as well.  Well, this is my latest find and I thanked God for having it be within my budget!!! 

So now when I sit at my table to make art all I have to do is look up and I see this sewing machine and it makes me smile.  I hope you all are having a wonderful summer full of family, friends, and laughter and thanks for stopping by you know I just love our visits.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vintage Cookbook Page

I have been watching aaaalot of art videos on utube lately and once I start it is hard to stop!!! So today I decided to take a short break and show you my summer page I have on display in my vintage cookbook.  I really wish I could find another cookbook that is like this one with all the vintage ladies in them but the ones I do find only have the food in them, go figure, it is a cookbook right?  Well this one has ice cream and I thought it was perfect for this time of year.

Old-Fashioned Chocolate Ice Cream

2 tbsp granulated gelatin (unflavored)
1/2 cup cold water
1 cup rich milk
1 1/2 cup (1-lb can) Hershey's Chocolate Flavored Syrup
3/4 cup granulated sugar
few grains salt
1 pint light cream
1 pint heavy cream
2 tbsp vanilla

Allow the gelatin to soak in the water in a saucepan for 5 minutes.  Add the milk and heat, stirring until the gelatin is dissolved.  Remove from heat and add the chocolate syrup, sugar and salt.  Cool.  Add the creams and the vanilla.  Freeze in a crank freezer. 
Yield: 4 quarts ice cream

To Freeze, fill the chilled container 2/3 full with ice cream mixture.  Cover tightly and set into freezer tub.  (For an electric freezer, follow manufacturer's directions.)  Fill tub with alternate 3-inch layers of crushed ice and 1 part rock salt.  Turn the handle slowly for 5 minuets.  Turn rapidly until the handle becomes difficult to turn (about 15 minutes).  Remove the dasher and pack down ice cream and cover with waxed paper.  Again put the lid on top and fill opening for dasher with cork.  Repack freezer in ice using 4 parts crushed ice and 1 part rock salt.  Cover with paper or cloth.  Let ripen 2 to 3 hours.

Wow, sounds like to much work for me but maybe you would like to give it a try.  Stay cool and enjoy a bowl of ice cream.  