Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday Drive

My hubby told me about a festival that was going on in Claxton (1 hour away) and I said well lets go so we headed out in hopes of seeing all the vendors and their creative wares.  As we approached the town to our dismay it was no longer going on.  We weren't able to go on Saturday because my hubby had to work but in Minnesota the craft fairs always includes Sundays but I guess not in this small town.  I was so disappointed but then I thought this wasn't a total bad idea because I love taking road trips with my hubby.  This is a time that is focused on just the two of us without any distractions and I love that.  After we left Claxton we headed back home to take a walk on Tybee Island since it was a beautiful day, so this is our day.

My hubby wanted first to stop at a place that constructs metal garages just to see about size and cost because we currently just have a shed and that is not big enough to do the pottery business in.  So someday in the future we will need a garage.  I wasn't so excited to look at them but you know this is considered a date to our men when we go with them and they can bounce their ideas of on you.  While I was taking this shot I stepped in a fire ant hill and boy do those little things sting!!  All for the shot for my hubby.

Now we are on the road and don't you find it hard not to put your feet on the dash?  I do and since I had just done my toenails, pink of course, and I like to take pictures of my feet I thought this turned out nice.  Silly I know. Plus, those are two frogs on the dash and I made them more then 10 years ago when I first started doing craft shows.  I was glad that I saved some of my items and these guys change cars when we do.  I just love them even thought they are fading.

This is one of the things I love about road trips, when my hubby puts his hand on my knee so we can hold hands! That little gesture goes miles with me since my hubby is not a verbal love showing kind of guy so when he does this, to me, it means I love you!!
When we first got to the beach this is the first thing my hubby found, I am still not sure how he saw this tiny sand dollar.  He is so quick with the comments and he said it should be called a sand dime. lol

Then he spots this on the rocks that someone must have left.

Here is a foot shot on the rocks.  You know I just have to do it. :)

This was cool, there were two guys wake boarding (I think that's what they call it) and I couldn't believe the great shot I got of it!  Not sure how they are enjoying it because the water is really cold.

Right now there are tons of shells up and down the shoreline, so lots to pick from.  I hope to do three picture frames with these.  There are three colors which is so cool, black, rust, and white so I want to do one in each color with my favorite beach shots.
Here we go again I am sure that what's he is thinking another foot shot.

As we were heading back to the car this was on the beach just before we left.  What a nice sand castle.

They even put shells on top, what a nice touch.  Well, this was our day and it was wonderful.


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