Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Art Journal Challenge Week 10, 11, & 12

I have completed three art journal pages and I am glad to be back doing them.  I so enjoy the process and sometimes they just go to fast for me!  I am glad that week 12 was simple because I really don't want them to all look the same.  On week 12 I decided, since it was simple, to show you the different steps it took to create that page So, welcome to art class I am glad you are here! 

Week 10 List of Me Mar. 12
This weeks page was on a list of words that would describe me and the first thought that came to me was subway art.  If you can remember this book had ladies pictures already glue in and this one was one I wanted to use.  I first painted over the magazine picture and began to paint in my style the lady.  

I first put floral tissue paper on the top since I am a floral nut and of course her shirt is pink I did a variety of stamps using ink pads, sometimes I would hand write, and others I would use a stamp with acrylic paints.  I love using the paints because it gives you that raised effect. 

Week 11 To Do List Mar. 19th
This weeks page was on my list of things I wanted to accomplish that week.  When I began this page I just started gluing down different kinds of scrapbooking paper, old book pages, and part of a old receipt on the page really without thinking. 

Then I used paint over the papers and a flower stencil in pink and white along with a paper plate holder I used as a stencil in the upper left hand corner in greenThe word Mar. was used using a clear stamp and purple metallic paint to give it that shimmer look and ended it with free hand swirls.

Week 12 Wings Mar. 26th

This weeks theme was on wings, and I chose to do it on the butterfly's wings.   Flowers all around here are blooming and I see all kinds of buds on the branches and that part reminds me of the butterfly so thus the theme.

The color scheme I wanted to achieve was what it would look like from the inside of a cocoon. So first I found some old pages from a play book with a title on one of them with the words WINGS!  Hard to see it hear but I do draw a black line around it and put the date there. 

After I glued the pages down I use a distress ink pad in Antique Linen around parts to give it that aged look.  Then I used brown acrylic paint around the rest of the pages.
Next I used cream and white acrylic paint with my brayer to give all that wonderful texture like inside a cocoon.  Then to start adding the poem, I used a variety of letter stamps with a distressed ink pad in Walnut. I really didn't want the poem to stand out so that is why I chose this color.

Then I glued down the wingsI chose a bright color to represent the beauty of the butterfly as it emerges from the pale color of the cocoon.  I also, circled the title "wings" on the old book page to make it stand out.
I chose a poem as my text which I thought represented the page perfectly.  I used white acrylic paint around the wings and used a white gel pen to do some doodling inside the wings.  Then, I added the month and date in the box I created around the play title.  I really like this page a lot because of the simplicity of it.  Well, I hope you have enjoyed our art class today and can't wait for our next one together.

Art is the color and textures of the imagination.
author: unknown

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how you are able to transform a vision and thoughts into beautiful works of art. I love your style.