This weekend me and my hubby decided to stop at a park we normally just drive by and wow what we have been missing!!! The feel I got right away was that I was back home in Minnesota at Lake Nokomis/Lake Harriet. These two lakes back home were great for walking around and just enjoying all the people. This one has so many things to do and we fell in love right away. So here is our weekend in pictures, come along you won't be disappointed.
This statue is at the entrance of the park and I thought it was a neat display of the wonderful walking trail.
I think the trail is three miles long and goes all around the park with the lake in the middle a great way to get some exercise. It was such a beautiful day to be out for sure.
There were tons of people but you never felt like it was crowded.
It has tennis courts and a handball court which I am excited about because I will use this for practice hitting a tennis ball against. I loved doing that as a child and my hubby and I used to play some tennis back home so we will start that back up again since this place is about 15min. away.
They even have a track just for electric/gas cars and this was fun just to stop and watch. The color of the track is just so bright and the shot was cool too.
They have a sailing center.
Loved the red on this boat against all the white n grey.
This sign was one that really got my hubby!! When it mentioned the large mouth bass, which he loves to fish for back in Minnesota, he was already talking about getting a licence and finding his fishing pole and tackel box for the next day.
He was so excited about the bass he had to go on the dock to see if he could see any.
The water looked so green here but it really was clear in most places.
Then there was all the wildlife which we both loved.
There were soooo many turtles and I was lucky to get the shots I did because they are so jumpy. When were looking at them we heard a boy counting them and he was up to 80!!!
This one was so cool with all the turtles just piled on the branches getting some sun.
Take a look at the turtle on the far right he is just hanging there and I thought it was so funny to look at his legs not even holding on to anything.
My hubby had to stop and talk to this guy just to see what the fishing was like. He said last year he caught a 15lb. bass and put him back and had a replica made at the Bass Pro Shop. He also showed us his current catch of the day which were three catfish. He was so nice and I was glad he allowed me to take a picture.
Now when I saw this I couldn't believe it, a wild rooster!!! He allow me to get close enough to take a picture and isn't he just colorful! I looked around just to see if there was a owner but there wasn't so we both thought it was funny. With all the wildlife we thought we were at the State Fair! Since this lake doesn't allow dogs the wildlife just hangs around and waits for us to feed them, which is another story. :)

At the end of the day we made a point to watch the moon. On the news they were talking that the moon was going to be 16% bigger n brighter and we decided to go to Tybee Island to experience this. After waiting for the sun to go down and the moon to come up we just couldn't see any difference, did you? Well, it was fun anyway since we weren't the only ones out there taking pictures! I don't have a real good camera so this was hard to capture but I am okay with what I could get none the less. I wanted a shot of the palm tree with the moon and I liked this one after I enhanced it some so you could see the tree.
When the moon first started coming up it was this beautiful orange color and was glad for this shot even if it is fuzzy. The color of the moon and the black background was cool.
Well, you know we got my hubby's fishing licence on Saturday and decided to come back on Sunday just to see if he could catch something. I really don't fish so I decided to bring along my self-portrait journal to play in. I had had some pages that needed to be done so this was perfect. He fished and I painted.
I started this journal last year when I saw a youtube one done and I thought how fun. You learn to draw yourself and use crayon's and watercolors. This causes a resist between the two and I really haven't got the hang of it yet. I was working on the left page which I started a year ago and the one on the right I did on my birthday. I didn't like how far down the hat ended up but I did like how my bouquet of flowers turned out.
This day was cloudy so I loved this shot because of all the colors. I found out that it wasn't easy painting without my blow dryer to kick up the speed of drying.
My hubby didn't catch anything but he did talk to a guy who was fishing from a boat and he told him that there was going to be a bass tournament going on there in two weeks. I think he will be working but I will have to check it out just to see what it is like and what they catch. When he was done fishing we decided to go and feed the birds and this was fun!
Most of the birds are tame since people do this all the time.
Enjoying his treat.
We were trying to feed the ducks but these annoying seagulls would come in and steal the bread!
At first my husband was not happy and called them flying rats until he discovered something. Hmmmm
Doesn't this shot remind you of the movie "The Birds" that is what I tought when I was taking these pictures kinda creepy.
My hubby decided that he would try to throw up the bread and see what would happen and the funny thing was they would catch it in the air!!!!! If you look up in the right hand corner I was lucky to get a shot with one of the birds with a piece of bread in its mouth!!!! Cool huh?
It was neat to have them just hover over you waiting for you to throw the bread. You could look in their eyes even, so cool. So now my hubby thinks they are cool.
These two geese were not happy with each other, I think one to many males.
I was glad that my camera captured this moment since it happened so fast. They chased away the intruder!!
Well, Martha I think we finally got him to leave, I would say so Bell whew! :) lol
When I was in the restroom my hubby took these two pictures.
Well, I would say it was a great end to a great weekend and don't you just love this one? He really did capture a good one. Thanks for walking with us through this wonderful park, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.