You should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family--calling him "Father, dear Father."
Romans 8:15 NLT
Think for a moment about the Garden of Eden. Wouldn't you like to live in a place of such incredible beauty--with flowing waters, lush forests, and the perfect atmosphere? Adam and Eve did not fear the animals or anything else on Earth. What must it have been like to walk with lions and tigers, yet have no concern of being gobbled up?
After Adam and Eve chose to sin, they became fearful and tried to hide from God among the trees in the Garden. They attempted to cover up their sin with fig-leaf fashion, but man made garments could not cover their shame. They knew instinctively the trust and fellowship they had shared with God had been shattered. Yet God wanted to restore their relationship. He sought them, and Adam had to confess, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid" (Genesis 3:10 NIV).
God reached out to Adam and Eve by clothing them with the world's first leather garments. Although the Bible does not go into detail, these garments suggest an animal had to be sacrificed and symbolized a coming sacrifice, perfect and complete. Only God can atone for our sins.
Jesus is that sacrifice for us. He is the Lamb of God, who not only covers our sin but also takes our sin away. Aren't you thankful that when you sin, you do not have to cower in fear? You have only to ask the Lord for forgiveness, and He is faithful and just to forgive your sins.
Barb's Notes:
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be in the Garden of Eden just for a day? To have complete fellowship with God? To walk among the beautiful gardens and streams with God in perfect peace and harmony. What would we talk about? My life here and how it is so uncertain and how I struggle from day to day just to have one moment of complete fellowship with him. We have all those distractions that pull us away from Him everyday and it starts as soon as we wake up! Would it be about our family and friends or would it just be about all the good things in life.
I think it would be a wonderful day that I am sure that I couldn't fathom. He would give me a tour of the garden and show me all the wonderful things he has created and then we would find that perfect spot and He would talk to me, just me! Could you imagine Him talking to just you, just for one day?! He would give me everything I would need to make it through this life in victory but most of all he would show me His love. A perfect father's love towards his daughter one that is without hurt and pain. My father was full of hurt and pain so this is something that I think I would cherish the most. That perfect love.
Then He would show me that I can have that perfect love here on earth when you spend time in His word. Sometimes it's hard to think that you could have that love when your real father has disappointed you so. But through the pages of the Bible He will reveal His love towards us. What a wonder thing to send me home with that He is actually coming home with me!!! I can have that Garden of Eden everyday that I spend in fellowship with just Him!!! This is also for anyone who spends time with him and that includes you!! So pull out that Bible and sit in the Garden of Eden and let God speak to you this week.
This Weeks Blessing: May the Lord bless you, may the Lord make his face shine upon you, and give you his peace.
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