Thursday, January 27, 2011

Art Journal Challenge: Week Three

I have been doing a lot of art pages just to get caught up to date.  Since I have had to do two covers and 6 pages I think I am finally where I need to be.  This week's prompt was "What I Want to Accomplish in 2011".  Of course these are only a fraction of things I would love to accomplish, so I mainly focused on my art for this page.

Week Three:  What I Want to Accomplish in 2011, Jan. 22nd
I loved making this page because of all the colors.  I really didn't think a whole lot on where I wanted things I just started placing the collage items and it just seemed to come together.
  I usually do not make any kind of new years resolutions because of not fulfilling them but I guess you sometimes do need some kind of goals and I am happy with these.  Also, I won't be including the materials made since most of them are made with the same items as the previous weeks. 

Until next week remember:

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Author:  Pablo Picasso